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About Teaching

How the Course Works:

  • A few days before the class begins you will be emailed an invitation into the online classroom.
  • Click to accept the invite and set up a password to access the classroom. For subsequent sessions go to the classroom and use your email address and password to access it.
  • Participate when you want! You can participate any time of day or evening. The online classroom is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • There are no live real-time requirements or meetings. You decide when you participate.
  • For the best learning, you should log into the course on 2-3 different days of the week.

Featured Courses

  • Online Teaching II: Designing Online Instruction

    This is second course of the three courses that make up the Leadership Development Program. Learn about the online instructional environment, envisioning your online course, developing a web course, phases of design and development, design guidelines, and more. Discover the principles behind the adoption of technology innovation and the nature of the online learning environment. Then get tips for planning your online course, identifying resources and design guidelines. Discuss the phases of design and development and models, motivating student-student interaction, and managing interaction. Get the latest information on copyright issues, assessment and evaluation. If you register for all three classes at once, they will be discounted $30 each at checkout. These classes can otherwise be taken individually. The other courses in this program are: Leadership Principles and Developing Your Professional Career To progress through this course you will: Read the print readings. Have the option of reading the online readings. Listen to the audio presentation for the Unit and view the slides. Have the option of taking a self-quiz to see how much you have learned. Engage in written online discussion with your instructor and other participants. The content (readings, audio lectures, slides) and self quizzes are accessible for the entire course, so you can work ahead, or go back and review again, at your convenience. Discussion: The discussion for each unit lasts one week. All comments are made in writing and can be made at any time of the day or night. Your instructor will log into the discussion area at least once a day and answer questions, make comments, and respond to comments by you and the other participants. We encourage you to make 2-3 comments each day to maximize your learning and enjoyment of the course.
  • TijsB (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Online Teaching III: Fostering Online Discussion

    Being engaged with your online learners throughout the course is one of the three biggest weaknesses of online teachers. It is also one of the three biggest ways to take your online course to the next level, making it a superior learning experience for your learners. Come experience how to do it from the creator of the concept and practice of ‘continual engagement’ in teaching. Discover how to build student success through your interaction, how to give online learners feedback, communicating with them about everything from subject matter to delicate issues to grading. You will come away with advanced, practical, how-to tips from one of the foremost authorities on fostering online discussion. And you will see how your instructor models great interaction and engagement in the online environment.To progress through this course you will: Read the print readings. Have the option of accessing the online readings. Listen to the audio presentation for the Unit and view the slides. Have the option of taking a self-quiz to see how much you have learned. Engage in written online discussion with your instructor and other participants. The content (readings, audio lectures, slides) and self quizzes are accessible for the entire course, so you can work ahead, or go back and review again, at your convenience. Discussion: The discussion for each unit lasts one week. All comments are made in writing and can be made at any time of the day or night. Your instructor will log into the discussion area at least once a day and answer questions, make comments, and respond to comments by you and the other participants. We encourage you to make 2-3 comments each day to maximize your learning and enjoyment of the course.